Just a different blog post
The art of making a difference is basically knowing that you don’t have to make a difference. You are making a difference purely by existing. So even if you are lying sick alone in your bed you’re still contributing to the whole. In fact you’re still a crusial part of the whole, contributing just as…
Quick personality test: Am I an alien?
Have you long felt a sense of alienation within yourself, that you’re not quite like everyone else, but haven’t been able to pinpoint exactly why that is? Does it sometimes feel like you’re on the “wrong planet,” as if there’s something fundamentally wrong with the world you live in? That the world around you is…
The art of making a difference
The art of making a difference is basically knowing that you don’t have to make a difference. You are making a difference purely by existing. So even if you are lying sick alone in your bed you’re still contributing to the whole. In fact you’re still a crusial part of the whole, contributing just as…